Ghana Design Network | | Rijksdienst

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Ghana Design Network

Project purpose

The creation and nurturing of a design ecology in order to increase the awareness of all stakeholders in the Creative Business Services sector that good design can make a difference, add to the quality of life, enhance business results  of individual ‘SME-plus companies’ and create better and more sustainable public and private buildings and environmental spaces.  

With ‘design ecology’ is meant the creation of an infrastructure whereby Ghanaian designers, entrepreneurs, design school faculty and government representatives can meet during theme- oriented events, such as lectures, debates, Pechakutcha’s, award giving ceremonies, master classes,etc    

This will be done by supporting the activities, establishment and further development of the “Ghana Design Network” with Netherlands expertise.

 Project results

  • Launch and further development of the Ghana Design Network (GDN) is supported by involving Dutch expertise in several GDN activities;
  • Participants in the GDN activities have gained expertise on what design can do;
  • Better insight in the design sector in Ghana is obtained. This includes  the design profession as well as education;
  • Knowledge of and interest in design for Ghana (African markets) in the Netherlands promoted;
  • Promotion of the Netherlands design sector in Ghana.

Accra, Ghana

Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers (BNO)


€ 42.242

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

Kick of GDN in February 2015

In the week of 23 February, an Urban Design event will be organized by amongst others Dasuda, Berlage Institute and ArchiAfrika in close cooperation with the Netherlands Embassy and RVO.

In that same week, BNO will travel to Ghana together with relevant design expert(s) and will participate in several activities:

  • GDN at the Urban design event

The Kick-off of the Ghana Design Network will be organized in the same week in order to enable a good link with the Urban Design event.

  • Seminar/CEO breakfast part 2.
  • Individual meetings
  • Master classes

Several master classes/workshops throughout 2015.

Several master classes will be organized. The themes will be selected by the core group and BNO (that will also consult the Embassy and RVO).
Current ideas are:

  • Follow-up master classes “Design a strategic management tool"; 
  • Workshop where several Dutch designers, students from Ghana and the Netherlands and producing companies in Ghana (stationary, crafts,..) work on new designs or packaging for the products of the producing companies. This can lead to concrete results that add to the success of the producing companies and showcase what design can do;
  • “Meet Ghana’s design heroes”: An evening session of 2 Ghana top designers and their admirers: Top interior designer and top fashion designer.
  • They will tell their life and success stories in each 45 minutes;
  • Master class ABOUT “most effective online branding and website-design in upcoming economies”;
  • Master class about furniture design for the Ghana Association of Furniture Design;
  • Master class fashion design.

Final event

If the GDN is successful/the activities work out well, a larger event could be organized to really branch out. For instance a Ghana-Dutch design fair. Results of the workshops/master classes could be presented as well.

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