Global, Distributed Smart-Addressing | | Rijksdienst

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Global, Distributed Smart-Addressing

UNL Network (Universally Named Locations) is using blockchain technology to build a global unified addressing system. This process, so called “Geohashing”, has several benefits and allows every individual, organisation and institution to have access to services all around the world. Institutions all around the globe use addresses for personal and business affairs. Setting up a business or bank account requires you to have a valid physical address. However, in some countries, address-ing is not as well organised in countries like the Netherlands. A global system would highly benefit under-developed countries, but would also boost globalization and global business a lot!..In 2019 UNL has researched the technical feasibility of developing a system that would allow for addressing on the blockchain using Geohash coordinates. The feasibility study has been a success and UNL has since then developed a prototype for the technical framework in order to attract in-vestors and market their product. While UNL is busy developing the complete technical architec-ture of ‘The Internet of Places’, the next step in the R&D process is to investigate possible applica-tions for UNL. The basis for the system has been validated and will be developed over the coming months. The current basis for the system contains:..- -Unique and universal IP addresses..- -Smart navigation (rural and urban areas)..- -Indoor routing..- Rich-context locations..Now that the technical validation has been done and the basic framework of the Internet of Places will be in place in the coming months, UNL is looking forward into applications for the platform. This feasibility study will be used to study several innovative applications/additions for the platform which are all uncertain in outcome and require technical validation before being able to develop. UNL is looking into the following elements:..- Four layered country-based addressing..- Decentralized authorization layer..- Smart contract implementation for services such as payments ..- DNS architecture..

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