Going Nuts | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Going Nuts

Project number



  • Malawi


  • Lilongwe


  • Agriculture

Project budget

€ 2,995,000 (FDOV contribution = € 1,497,000)


  • Sympany
  • Afri-Nut Co. Ltd
  • DAPP Malawi

Project description

The projects’ aim is to develop the private sector by developing a peanut value chain in Malawi. It intends to find a solution for the aflatoxine problem which destroyed the (export) market for groundnuts. The project provides a twofold solution: 1) educate farmers and 2) setting up an infrastructure and peanut processing plant which can add value to peanuts and links small-scale farmers to the market. The 48,400 farmers that will be trained on growing and handling peanuts will contribute to increase yields and diminish risks for aflatoxine, improving the food safety. The production prognosis is from the current 2,000 tons per year to 20,000 tons per year within ten years. Afri-Nut can process groundnuts, develop new products and trade these on both domestic and international markets. The project will set up a peanut processing plant in Lilongwe, Malawi. Parties involved are Afri-Nut Company limited, DAPP Malawi and Stichting Humana People to people.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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