Green School Ab initio,Ekatarinburg | | Rijksdienst

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Green School Ab initio,Ekatarinburg

Project purpose

The aim of this project is to provide guidance to the local authorities in Ekaterinburg in the first phase (Terms of Reference development) of their ambition to build a green, energy efficient school "ab initio", which will serve as a demonstration project in order to a) show best energy efficient technologies and solutions and b) raise awareness about the interconnection of energy efficiency and healthy comfortable indoor climate.


Project result

•        The Russian project partners have increased knowledge and gained practical experience on how to integrate energy efficiency and healthy indoor climate requirements into the Terms of Reference for construction projects;

•        Stakeholder analyses performed and a more effective communication established between governmental and private structures, as well as between regional and local administrative levels;

•        Know-how exchanged and showcases demonstrated from the Dutch experience with the so-called "Frisse Scholen Programma" that are viable to follow and relevant for the Russian context;

•          B2B relations established between Russian and Dutch companies;

•          Project results disseminated to Russian and Dutch public and private stakeholders

•        Preparations made for continued cooperation between Russian and Dutch experts in the design phase (the design itself is not included in the scope of this G2G project).






Netherlands Enterprise Agency








Status project



Project activities

1. Preparation phase and stakeholder analyses

Goals of the preparation phase:

- fact-finding;

- stakeholder analyses;

- fine-tune the plan of approach (activities, time frame and responsibilities);

- introducing the project to the stakeholders, including knowledge sharing on certain basis


Format: Working visits by Dutch experts


2. Terms of Reference Development

It is suggested to give guidance in the process of ToR development in four phases:

2a) Workshop public sector "defining the ambition level"

2b) Study visit to the Netherlands "Frisse Scholen - the Dutch experience"

2c) Workshop public and private sector: "from ambitions to solutions".

2d) Joint work on ToR development  


3. Design phase starts, project ends

- Additional advice/adjustments will be provided by the Dutch experts preparing the cooperation of

  Russian and Dutch experts in the design phase;

- The RU-NL project team will evaluate the project and reflect on the process, which will lead to the

   finalisation of the 'how-to manual';

- Project results will be disseminated to Russian and Dutch public and private stakeholders.

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