Hydrogen production by plasma conversion of carbon dioxide and water | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Hydrogen production by plasma conversion of carbon dioxide and water

The project objective is knowledge development on the splitting of water and carbon dioxide by plasmolysis as an alternative to electrolysis. Plasmolysis offers advantages in high energy density reducing system dimensions, high throughput, rapid response to intermittent supply and no use of scarce materials. Energy efficiency, usually translated into cost, is comparable with electrolysis.

Korte omschrijving:
The Work Plan of the project consists of 5 Work Packages. Main goal of the research is to determine if the process of CO2 Plasmolysis is economically feasible and to determine the factors that govern hydrogen production.

The project proposes a novel and innovative scheme that convert excess electricity generated by renewable sources into gas.

The outcome of this work is a clear understanding and plan how to proceed to an up scaled reactor of industrial size. A systems analysis will be performed to assess the fit of this technology in the energy system.

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