I-Bank sustainable micro finance bank DR Congo | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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I-Bank sustainable micro finance bank DR Congo

Project number



  • DR Congo


  • Kinshasa
  • selected peri-urban areas in the countryside


  • Services
  • Financial services

Project budget

€ 3,094,310 (FDOV contribution = € 1,500,000)


  • Enclude BV (Triodos Facet BV)
  • Triodos Investment Management BV
  • Cyad International holding
  • Texaf NV
  • Fuji Image Services Sprl

Project description

The project partners propose to set up “I-bank”, a (community development) bank targeting MSMEs in peri urban and rural area’s and providing a range of financial services (a.o. payments, savings and loans), adapted to their customers; e.g. MFI size loans will be available and will be provided based on trust / transaction history rather than collateral, while distribution is not only through regular outlets but also e.g. through shops and mobile banking. Like other banks I-bank will start in Kinshasa in order to create a base and as presence there is practically unavoidable for any bank in DR Congo, but will also expand to peri-urban and in future and very gradually to rural areas. The project’s outcome is to have 200,000 MSME customers by end of the PPP, of which 34,000 loan clients. It’s their financial inclusion, their subsequent possibility to get loans in order to expand their own business in a sustainable way that would underlie the justification to get a grant from the FDOV.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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