Improving air quality assessment system in cities of Turkey | | Rijksdienst

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Improving air quality assessment system in cities of Turkey

Project purpose

The overall object of the project is to assist the Turkish government in the implementation of the EU Air Quality Framework directives and daughter directives.

Project purpose is to

  • raise the institutional capacity for the assessment of the air quality situation now and in the future at local level by training of the staff of the involved governmental organisations
  • develop air quality assessment reports for the local authorities to be used for the development of action plans
  • raise the awareness for the harmful health effects of air pollution and the relation with day-to-day activities.


Project results

Institutional capacity

  • trained staff of the involved governmental organisations in 6 municipalities
  •  recommendations for improvement of institutional structure for the three governmental levels related to proper air quality assessment.

Air quality assessment report

  • air quality assessments in 6 municipalities
  • emission inventory for one municipality

Raising awareness

  • communicated the air quality aspects in general and the results of the air quality assessment in this project to stakeholders, including the public.



Ankara, Samsun, Gaziantep, Adana, Mersin, Erzurum



National Institute for Public Health and the Environment



Air Quality



€ 150,000


Project duration



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