Improving Mongolian crop yields using Dutch knowledge on soil and fertilizer application | | Rijksdienst

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Improving Mongolian crop yields using Dutch knowledge on soil and fertilizer application

Project purpose

The overall objective of the assignment is an introduction of  Dutch practical knowledge about soils, their quality aspects and improving measures to Mongolian Farmers Association, knowledge institutions and local companies.

Project results
In general all stakeholders and visitors are convinced of the potential of the improved use of fertilizer based on soil investigation, soil sampling and recommended dosages of fertilizer and the stakeholders are motivated to set up a project on further structural improvements in 2016.

Specific results to be achieved:

  • Many leading farms producing summer wheat visited the field days and are aware of the optimal use of fertilizer and optimal growth summer wheat production with good protein content and want to follow recommendations coming season.
  • Leading dairy farm managers visited the field days on forage crops and are motivated to use crops, fertilizer and technology to grow high value forage crops on their farms.
  • Leading government officials know about the topic and support follow up project to motivate farmers to improve and use recommendations.
  • The Dutch team has got essential information about major aspects of problems on crop production as mentioned by farmers and stakeholders and got information from farmers how to make a successful approach to improve. Main conclusions and recommendations are presented in a report.
  • In some leading agricultural magazines the problem and solutions are published as well as the results on the trial fields.

Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

DLV Plant B.V.

€ 24.000

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
Knowledge transfer will take place through three field days showcasing Dutch expertise.

Demo fields: fields of summer wheat or forage crops where different dosages of fertilizer are use, soil is investigated, soil samples analysed, cultivation is done optimal (prepared by farmers and DVL Plant). Samples of soil from demo fields are send to the Netherlands for analysis by BLGG AgroXpertus. The results will be presented and discussed on the field days.

  1. Demo field of summer wheat with different objects on using fertiliser in Erdenet region (about 5 ha).
  2. Demo field is prepared in Arkhust on rather poor soil in region of animal and dairy production with plots of forage crops (maize, sorghum, alfalfa, different grasses) with different systems of use of manure or fertiliser, showing their effects. On these plots all essential data on crop growth who can influence yield and yield quality is measured and registered (each field is about 10 m2 as a trial).
  3. The same setup of field 2 is made in Mandal region on more fertile soil. Nearby also a field of summer wheat which is inspected on soil quality and chemical levels of samples are analysed in the Netherlands.

A programme of a field day:

  • Different plots and treatments of fertilizer and crop growing activities are shown and explained and the results can be seen by visitors and discussed with presenting specialists.
  • Demonstration of the system of soil investigation on productivity, soil sampling, soil moisture measurements.
  • Demonstration of the system of calculation optimal dosages on local field situation.
  • Show of use of spraying and application equipment of fertiliser; demonstration of effects of different setting to show visitors effects and give recommendations to optimize their situation.
  • Discussion with farmers, government and other visitors about major problems on improving yields and summer wheat quality and recommendations how to improve, using newest Dutch technology and advisory services.

The following organisations will be part of the executing team:

  • DLV Plant is an international oriented agricultural consultancy company.
  • Dutch Mongolian Trade Office (DMTO) is a Dutch Mongolian company assisting Dutch companies to sell their services and products in Mongolia.
  • BLGG AgroXpertus is a leading soil and forage sample analysing laboratory.


Project purpose
The overall objective of the assignment is an introduction of  Dutch practical knowledge about soils, their quality aspects and improving measures to Mongolian Farmers Association, knowledge institutions and local companies.

Project results
In general all stakeholders and visitors are convinced of the potential of the improved use of fertilizer based on soil investigation, soil sampling and recommended dosages of fertilizer and the stakeholders are motivated to set up a project on further structural improvements in 2016.

Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

DLV Plant B.V.

€ 24.000

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
Knowledge transfer will take place through three field days showcasing Dutch expertise.

Demo fields: fields of summer wheat or forage crops where different dosages of fertilizer are use, soil is investigated, soil samples analysed, cultivation is done optimal (prepared by farmers and DVL Plant). Samples of soil from demo fields are send to the Netherlands for analysis by BLGG AgroXpertus. The results will be presented and discussed on the field days.

  1. Demo field of summer wheat with different objects on using fertiliser in Erdenet region (about 5 ha).
  2. Demo field is prepared in Arkhust on rather poor soil in region of animal and dairy production with plots of forage crops (maize, sorghum, alfalfa, different grasses) with different systems of use of manure or fertiliser, showing their effects. On these plots all essential data on crop growth who can influence yield and yield quality is measured and registered (each field is about 10 m2 as a trial).
  3. The same setup of field 2 is made in Mandal region on more fertile soil. Nearby also a field of summer wheat which is inspected on soil quality and chemical levels of samples are analysed in the Netherlands.

A programme of a field day:

  • Different plots and treatments of fertilizer and crop growing activities are shown and explained and the results can be seen by visitors and discussed with presenting specialists.
  • Demonstration of the system of soil investigation on productivity, soil sampling, soil moisture measurements.
  • Demonstration of the system of calculation optimal dosages on local field situation.
  • Show of use of spraying and application equipment of fertiliser; demonstration of effects of different setting to show visitors effects and give recommendations to optimize their situation.
  • Discussion with farmers, government and other visitors about major problems on improving yields and summer wheat quality and recommendations how to improve, using newest Dutch technology and advisory services.

The following organisations will be part of the executing team:

  • DLV Plant is an international oriented agricultural consultancy company.
  • Dutch Mongolian Trade Office (DMTO) is a Dutch Mongolian company assisting Dutch companies to sell their services and products in Mongolia.
  • BLGG AgroXpertus is a leading soil and forage sample analysing laboratory.


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