Improving the public transport infrastructure in Lubumbashi | | Rijksdienst

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Improving the public transport infrastructure in Lubumbashi


The projects aims to improve the transport situation in Lubumbashi by developing a well-structured, reliable and affordable public mass transport bus service.






Provincial Ministry of Transport of the Province of Katanga

Competent Authority

Provincial Ministry of Transport of the Province of Katanga

Project number


Status project


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

11,800,000 Euro / 6,419,880 Euro

Lubumbashi, the second largest city of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 1,3 million inhabitants has undergone fast urbanisation with an extensive periphery. A functioning public transport system is lacking. Currently only private informal minibus transport services are available, lacking good organisation and quality, having no scheduling and are hardly controlled or regulated by authorities. Services are unreliable and during rush-hours expensive.

The project aims to contribute to a well functioning public transport system in Lubumbashi. The project consists of the design of a public bus transport system, creation of a legal entity for management and exploitation, training of the operator and acquisition of busses, spare parts, buss stops and facilities.

The project would lead to improved access to and use of the infrastructure for people/households, as well as the private sector. A well-structured, reliable and affordable public mass transport bus service will improve the transport situation for about 300-400,000 existing users while another 100-200,000 new users are expected.

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