Improving reservoir property prediction and producing a database of Dutch geothermal plays | | Rijksdienst

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Improving reservoir property prediction and producing a database of Dutch geothermal plays

pThe ambition is to significantly enhance the knowledge, mapping, and prediction of the geological character of Dutch geothermal plays, focussing on thermal and geomechanical properties. We aim to improve fundamental understanding of the geological causes behind rock properties, the understanding and quantification of the conversion of downhole log properties into rock properties, the statistical approaches to study these properties, and the implementation of rock properties into reservoir models. The study should lead to lower research costs for geothermal operators, lower uncertainties concerning production prediction and risk assessment, and improved production due to more optimal well placement and production strategies. With that, our fully open-access results will be applicable to all geothermal targets in the Netherlands and thereby be able to calibrate reservoir, geomechanical and thermal reservoir models with the ultimate goal to optimise the exploitation of geothermal heat in the Netherlands in a sustainable and safe way/p

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