Incoming mission poultry sector Yemen | | Rijksdienst

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Incoming mission poultry sector Yemen

Project purpose

Organisation of an incoming mission to the Netherlands for Yemen’ companies and government officials employed in the poultry- and – feed sector.


Project results

Main targeted results:

  • Increase the knowledge of Yemeni companies and officials on the technologies of modern
    poultry farming and chain production.
  • Expose Dutch companies to business opportunities in Yemen’s poultry sector.






Nederlandse Export Combinatie (NEC)






€ 51,088


Project status



Project activities

Organisation of an incoming mission, with;

- Seminar(s) discussing important developments in the Dutch Poultry sector.

- company visits

- visit to a Fair on Poultry (20-22th May 2014, Utrecht)

- matchmaking activities with Dutch companies in the poultry- and  feed sector.


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