Incoming Visitors Mission Tunisian Harbors | | Rijksdienst

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Incoming Visitors Mission Tunisian Harbors

Project purpose

The purpose of this project is a study visit of the President Mr. Fawzi Taktak of OMMP and one or 2 of his colleagues to the Port of Rotterdam.


Project results

  • OMMP will receive a clear overview of how the Dutch maritime sector is organized and especially the Port of Rotterdam. Specially attention will be given to how local governments structures are imbedded in the port’s strategy. Receiving these insight will hopefully give OMMP input for their redevelopment plans of the 7 Tunisian ports.
  • OMMP might have meetings with some of the Dutch maritime companies such as Haskoning, Deltares (training possibilities), TU Delft, van Oord, Boskalis depending on their availability.   



Tunis and Rotterdam



Netherlands Enterprise Agency



Logistics and Infrastructure



€ 20,000


Project status

Implementation phase


Project activities

OMMP will pay the Port of Rotterdam a 2/3 days visit

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