Project purpose
In close cooperation between Dutch and Indian partners, this G2G project aims to select and implement a number of Dutch water innovations, in order to provide safe and sustainable solutions for specific water problems in a specific region in India. By knowledge exchange and identifying concrete projects with Indian public and private parties, both countries will scientifically and economically benefit from this G2G project.
This G2G project fits into the DIWALI platform: the Dutch Indo Water Alliance for Leadership Initiative, that envisages to achieve:
- Public- Public Partnership initiatives for the Technology Mission “Winning, Augmentation and Renovation” (WAR) for Water which has been initiated to develop research based technological solutions to address various water challenges in India;
- Proposal for Water Institute under virtual centre model for long term cooperation;
- Private Public Partnerships including financing systems and business models.
Project results
0. Set up of the DIWALI Expert panel.
1. Selection of a region and creation of a concise and concrete implementing plan for improving the local water situation related to the innovation needs above containing the following subjects:
• Joint research on technological solutions;
- Joint implementation;
• Capacity building (skills and awareness).
2. Identification of 2 concrete projects to start with immediately after the degree of the plan.
3. At the end of the project there should be signed at least one contract on cooperation between a
Dutch water technology company and an Indian Partner.
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Water Management
€ 100,000
Status project
Project activities
0. Inception phase
The inception phase is meant for the exploration and defining the field of action of the project and consultation of the counterparts and contains the following activities:
- Forming an Indo-Dutch decision-making expert panel. From the Indian side we expect a
representation from the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Water resources is expected. From the Dutch side NL Agency and the water expert from the Dutch embassy will participate;
0.2 Forming an advisory group of Dutch companies and organisations. At first we will approach the Dutch companies and organisations that are already present in India, the relevant ones that have indicated to be interested (a.o. the partners from the former 2g@there proposal).
0.3 Definition of the topics for cooperation, including the set up of terms of reference for a
tender procedure;
0.4 A proposal, including the terms of reference (ToR), is presented to the expert panel for
0.5 Presentation of the project during the International Water Week in Delhi on 25th –
27th April 2012.
1. Research and business development phase
This phase will be divided in a research part and a business development part with a go/no go in between. The following activities will be taken:
- A consultant will be selected on basis of the ToR and contracted to elaborate the existing
situation, the ascertained shortcomings and a recommendation for the next step;
1.2 The report will be discussed in the advisory group;
1.3 The expert panel will give the outlines for the second part of the contract: the business development plan;
1.4 The business development plan will be discussed in the brainstorming group and expert panel;
1.5 Approval by the expert group;
1.6 Presentation in the DIWALI joint committee;
1.7 Compiling a list of Dutch knowledge organisations and companies related to the in the business development plan mentioned subjects.
2. Realisation of proposed solutions
The last part of the project is to implement the proposed solutions with the following actions:
2.1 Information and publicity meeting for Dutch and Indian companies and knowledge organisations;
2.2 Mission to India for business and cooperation;
2.3 Start of implementation of proposed solutions.
3. Communication and report
In order to publish the overall results of the project the following actions will be taken:
3.1 Press release a.o. to specialist journals;
3.2 Evaluation of the process and results;
3.3 Closing and account of the project.