INDO- DUTCH Market Access Program (MAP) for animal products and animal ingredients (part of the Joint Workplan 2011-2015) | | Rijksdienst

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INDO- DUTCH Market Access Program (MAP) for animal products and animal ingredients (part of the Joint Workplan 2011-2015)

Project purpose

Intensify our bilateral cooperation in the field of

- animal production and processing;

- market access of animal genetics, products and ingredients

- to facilitate bilateral trade.


Increase of the market access for the Dutch agricultural industry.


The project strengthen the implementation of activities mentioned in the Joint Agriculture Work Plan signed June 7th between the Ministry of Agriculture Cooperation and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation.


Project results

1.    increased awareness in India in the field of optimizing animal production in poultry, pig and

buffalo industry;

2.    report on possibilities of veal production in India;

3.    market access report on the relevant regulations, import duties and the necessary steps to

open up trade;

4.    establish regular expert exchange meetings to settle the bilateral issues in this area;

5.    signing of different bilateral protocols (genetics, products and ingredients)

6.    increased awareness in India in opening up Indian trade to third countries

7.    Feasibility study on the export from India to The Netherlands of Animal proteins







The Product Board for livestock, Meat and Eggs



Animal production



€ 149,000


Status project


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