Inkisi Water Supply Project | | Rijksdienst

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Inkisi Water Supply Project


The project is defined as the rehabilitation and expansion of the Inkisi water supply system, the operation and maintenance of the system and the subsequent supply of clean water to some 262,000 people by 2027.






Ministry of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity

Competent Authority

The Water and Electric Authority REGIDESO

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

29,915,000 Euro / 24,058,200 Euro

Status project


In Inkisi, a city located in the province of Bas-Congo in the Lukaya district, approximately 120 km south of the DRC capital Kinshasa, there is a lack of sufficient and reliable drinking water. The most important cause of the lack of sufficient and reliable drinking water and sanitation facilities in Inkisi are the lack of investment, the destruction of the infrastructure during the years of conflict, combined with migration issues (strong population growth putting pressure on available water supply).

The objective of the project is an increase in coverage of drinking water and small sanitation facilities for the inhabitants of Inkisi. The proposed solution is the extension of the current water system with a raw water intake (boreholes), a drinking water treatment plant and improvement of the transmission and distribution network, in order to produce and deliver approx 11,000 m3/day. Furthermore, the solution includes some minor sanitation facilities in the public areas, such as markets and schools, and training on WASH education.

The project would lead to providing the entire expected population of Inkisi with (better) access to safe and reliable water: approximately 262,000 persons in 2027.

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