Inkomende missie Jordanië (JEBA) | | Rijksdienst

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Inkomende missie Jordanië (JEBA)


Project purpose
To promote and strengthen sustainable trade and investment linkages between Jordanian businessmen and Dutch counterparts.
This trade mission could be an initial step for further economic activities.

Project results
Boost fruitful economic ties between Jordan and the Netherlands by arranging a mission to the Netherlands for 20-25 Jordanian entrepreneurs in the following sectors:

  • Energy & Renewable Energy
  • Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical and Laboratory

Food (Dairy products)

  • Jordanian companies are connected to entrepreneurs in the Netherlands and a basis for collaboration in the future has been laid
  • Commercial agreements are signed which facilitate the import and export process between Jordan and the Netherlands.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nederlands Centrum voor Handelsbevordering (NCH)

€ 44.592

Project status

Project activities

  • company visits with peer to peer knowledge exchange
  • matchmaking activities with Dutch companies in the sectors that the participants are active in
  • meeting at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • meetings with the Dutch Chambers of Commerce

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