Inkomende vrouwenmissie Jordanië (JEBA) | | Rijksdienst

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Inkomende vrouwenmissie Jordanië (JEBA)

Project purpose

Organise a study visit for young female SME owners in Jordan’s competitive industries, who are members of the Business and Professional Women’s Association - Amman (BPWA), as suggested by Minister Ploumen (Foreign Trade and Development cooperation) following the Palestinian female entrepreneurs mission.

The purpose of the study visit is to connect successful young female business owners in selected competitive sectors in Jordan, namely Creative Industries (Fashion, Design, Architecture and Art), Health and Wellness, Information Technology (IT) and Agri-food with their counterparts in the Netherlands. This is to exchange ideas, technical expertise and sector-specific know-how; to explore joint business and market opportunities; to promote Jordanian female owned businesses in the Netherlands; and to discuss major gender-specific challenges faced by female entrepreneurs and business owners in Jordan and the Netherlands as well as tactics to overcome them.

As a secondary goal, the study visit aims to establish lasting business relationships between Jordanian female business owners and Dutch companies.

Project results
Main targeted results:

  • New connections established between Dutch/Jordanian female business owners in the abovementioned sectors.
  • Continuous exchanges of ideas, technical expertise and sector-specific know-how between Dutch/Jordanian female entrepreneurs after visit.
  • Joint business and market opportunities and leads.
  • Collaboration on overcoming mutual gender-specific challenges faced by female entrepreneurs and business owners in Jordan/NL.
  • Lasting business relationships between Jordanian female SME owners and Dutch companies established.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Nederlandse Export Combinatie (NEC)

€ 67.462

Project status

Project activities
Organisation of an incoming study visit, with:

  • Sector-specific workshops introducing Jordanian female entrepreneurs to the Dutch business landscape.
  • Company visits to some of the most successful and globally expanding Dutch companies in the selected sectors.
  • Presentations of the SMEs owned by the Jordanian business women to a selected audience of potential Dutch investors and business partners, followed by match-making sessions.
  • One on one coaching sessions to provide targeted technical input for each of the Jordanian female business owners

The activities will be organised within a 3-day stay in the Netherlands where there is real potential for a business opportunity with a Dutch company and if needed, the program can be extended an additional day on a case by case basis.

BPWA will promote the program among its members, collect applications, interview and select the potential participants. The Association will also conduct orientation sessions for those selected prior to  intakes in order to ensure the best match.

A kick off meeting might be organised at the NL embassy in Amman with BPWA approx. two weeks before the study visit.


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