Inland Waterway Shipping Project Proposal | | Rijksdienst

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Inland Waterway Shipping Project Proposal

Project purpose

The aim is to establish sustainable electronic certification, based on international standards of agricultural products, between Turkey and the Netherlands


Project result

A concise Master plan for the development of innovative, safe and sustainable transport of goods and people on inland waterways, utilizing Dutch expertise. The Master plan will be discussed with the Turkish counterpart during their visit to the Netherlands.





Water Management



Netherlands Enterprise Agency



€ 60,000

Status project



Project activities

  1. In the inception phase a mission to Turkey will take place to discuss the ideas and demands of the Turkish counterpart in more detail. This mission includes discussions with relevant actors in Turkey and a field visit to the prioritized waters as well.
  2. Preparation of a concise master plan by the Dutch team.
  3. Mission of a Turkish delegation to the Netherlands, including:
    • a visit to relevant Dutch institutes on river technology and education;
    • a boat trip on a river using a regular ferry service and, if time permits, a short trip with an inland cargo vessel;
    • a presentation of the Master plan and discussion concerning the content with the Turkish partners;
  4. Finalization of the Master plan, evaluation & conclusion of the project.


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