Innovative Business methods on High Value crops in Farmer based crop | | Rijksdienst

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Innovative Business methods on High Value crops in Farmer based crop

Project number



  • Ethiopia


  • Shoa
  • Arsi
  • Gojam


  • Consumer goods

Project budget

€ 3,442,490 (FDOV contribution = € 1,721,245)


  • Solagrow plc
  • SNV Ethiopia
  • Wageningen UR
  • Terrafina Microfinance

Project description

The purpose of the project in Central and Northern Ethiopia is to design, implement and promote a business model, based on crop rotation in high value crops enabling Ethiopian smallholder farmers to transform their farms into tightly collaborating food-producing enterprises. Through this project the farmers will be embedded in a vital network of input supply, mechanisation, knowledge, financial facilities and sustainable food markets. More than 10,000 farmers will be organized in producer groups, and will be trained and coached in the proper crop production systems, farm economics and marketing strategies, embedded in the standards of Good Agricultural Practices. By the end of the projects some 11,000 small-scale farms in these regions will have been trained and are capable to improve their farming practices by themselves, eventually up scaling in other sectors of the agricultural economy (supply chain), in other agricultural zones (with same geology and soils) and regions in Ethiopia with similar farming systems practices (same variety of crops).


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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