Institutional Development Co-operation between the Federal Board of Supreme Audit of the Republic of Iraq (FBSA) and the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) 2015 | | Rijksdienst

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Institutional Development Co-operation between the Federal Board of Supreme Audit of the Republic of Iraq (FBSA) and the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) 2015

Project purpose

To contribute to good governance and an efficient public administration in Iraq. The specific general objective of this project is to consolidate the lessons of the first phase of cooperation between the NCA and the FBSA and to contribute to the institutional development of the FBSA, in line with international standards of transparency and accountability and with a focus on communications with key stakeholders, at the same time as contributing to the further development of performance auditing within the FBSA and the ARABOSAI region.

Project results

The co-operating partners have agreed to focus in this project phase on communications and audit. The area of cooperation will still be performance auditing but integrated into the broader institutional development of the FBSA and with specific focus on communications with stakeholders and the external audit environment.

Development of a communications and stakeholder strategy
  • To conduct a stakeholder analysis and draft a communications strategy (institutional/in general and for all phases of an audit) that is institutionalised;
  • To work towards an enhanced dialogue with Parliament to support the latter it in its oversight role;
  • To improve communications with auditees;
  • To develop skills and tools to ensure different ways/instruments to deliver the message to draw from (visualizations, graphs, GIS, infographics).
Further strengthening of performance audit and testing of the communications strategy
  • To consolidate the skills, experience and methodology of first phase of cooperation, incorporating lessons of NCA peer review and 2013 external evaluation;
  • To develop the vision and policy of the FBSA for further development of performance auditing over the next 5 years (this includes risk analyses, annual programming, planning of means, quality control, complying with professional standards, etc.).
  • To experiment with new techniques and innovative approaches in the course of 3 performance audits in 2015 and with the use of effective communication techniques in respect of audit findings;
  • To convey the message of an audit in a constructive way and in other ways than only the written word.
The leaders of the two audit institutions will meet twice at the Steering Committee meetings to review progress and to discuss high-level issues of mutual interest.

Bagdad, Iraq

Algemene Rekenkamer


€ 162,144

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

  • April-May - coaching at a distance, incl. video conferencing, for audit teams on Audit planning (2 x 1/2 day FBSA audit teams and NCA PA team + Communications officer)
  • June - PA & Comm workshop in Middle East (Vision, policy, Audit planning, data collection & analysis, communication) - 5 days (FBSA audit teams, FBSA ambassadors, 2 NCA PA trainers and NCA communications officer)
  • End August/early September: Stakeholder Relations & Communications in Audit Workshop (3 days) followed by High-level meeting (1,5 days) in Mid-East on communications on audit (FBSA audit ambassadors/team-leaders & communications experts (10-15)+ 2 NCA stakeholder experts (all 5 days); President FBSA and NCA (or representative); high-level delegation FBSA & 2 Liaison Officers (1,5 days))
  • September - coaching at a distance, incl. video conferencing, for audit teams (Data collection & analysis, draft reporting) (NCA and FBSA audit teams and NCA & FBSA communications officers)
  • November - workshop/study-visit  in the Netherlands (Vision, policy, drafting of report, communication and mid-term review).  (20 FBSA - high-level, auditors, 3 communications officers + NCA teams)

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