Intelligent Data Protection Platform | | Rijksdienst

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Intelligent Data Protection Platform

Data breaches are a major problem in today's business operations. Approximately 73% of all data breaches are caused by human error. Since most data breaches in the Netherlands originated from the healthcare sector (30%), it is of great importance for healthcare ‘thin client’ digital workspaces to be able to handle confidential data and also email it to other authorized persons. Therefore, to mitigate data breaches, a security layer has to be integrated for secure emailing, document management and file sharing only to authorized persons. However, currently these security technologies fail to mitigate these data breaches caused by human error...The objective of this project is therefore to integrate a secure information sharing service in a thin client workspace environment. The challenge of this project is to develop technologies which enable the user to securely send and receive data, while at the same time nudging the user to securely handle privacy-sensitive data...In this project, the Intelligent Data Pro

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