Inuka Feasibility for Ethiopia, Uganda,and Burundi | | Rijksdienst

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Inuka Feasibility for Ethiopia, Uganda,and Burundi

Feasibility study. Inuka is a digital mental health solution that will solve the challenge of accessibility, scalability and sustainability. Inuka provides users from low to high income socio-economic backgrounds with access to quality mental health support via locally trained therapists (called “coaches).

Consumers pay a fee to use the service or companies pay for their employees (this includes healthcare workers) and we use part of our profit to provide free support to the most vulnerable people. Inuka is operational in Kenya with 15 trained and certified coaches and hundreds of active clients. Our pilot study has also shown that after 4 chat sessions, 82% of users saw mental health complaints cut in half.

The SBIR Phase I project will enable us to assess the feasibility of quickly scaling Inuka in three new countries through local partners.

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