Irrigation infrastructure for organic sugarcane in Chemba | | Rijksdienst

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Irrigation infrastructure for organic sugarcane in Chemba


The project is defined as the development, installation, operation and maintenance of the public infrastructure in Chemba, Mozambique to irrigate 2,076 hectares of organic sugarcane and 50 hectares of vegetables and food crops for smallholder families.


The Chemba District in the north of the Sofala Province in central Mozambique




Zambezi Valley Development Agency

Competent Authority

We Consult/ Maatwerk van Montfort

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

18,255,000 Euro / 7,028,000 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

This project is structured as a Public Private partnership (PPP). The private company, Ecofarm will cooperate with 450 out growers organised in three cooperatives. Ecofarm will finance and own 55% of the irrigation infrastructure, corresponding to 19 centre pivots of 60 hectares for the production of organic sugarcane. The three cooperatives will each own 6 centre pivots of 50 hectares. The centre pivots (45% of the irrigation structure) are financed by the ORIO grant. The cooperatives will produce organic sugarcane, on behalf of Ecofarm with a guaranteed off-take and profit sharing from Eco Farm. Additionally the cooperatives have access to another centre pivot for the production of food crops.

The project includes: - the water inlet and pumping station, - the main water distribution line - temporary water storage and sediment filter - secondary water distribution lines with auxiliary pumps - 38 irrigation centre pivots, equipped to function over 2,126 hectares of cleared and prepared land.

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