Kisii water supply project | | Rijksdienst

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Kisii water supply project


The project is defined as the development, construction and operation of a new water supply system for supplying 41,000 m3 per day of potable water by gravity flow to the 576,000 people in Kisii area.






Ministry of Finance

Competent Authority

Lake Victoria Water Services Board (LVSWSB)

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

41,300,000 Euro / 14,200,000 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

The problem in the Kisii area is a lack of access to water and the dependency on electricity for the water supply. Of the current population of project area is only 38% served by clean water and only 60% of the businesses.

The project will focus on the development of a new cost effective and sustainable system for supplying 41,000m3/day of portable water by gravity flow to the 576,000 people in Kisii by the year 2034. This will be done through the construction of dam, treatment works, tanks, pipelines, household connections and public taps. Furthermore, the capacity of GUWASCO and LVSWSB will be enhanced through training.

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