Liaison Trainkos | | Rijksdienst

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Liaison Trainkos

Project purpose

The project aims at improving the transfer of best practices from partners and strengthening technical capacities in relevant rail transport fields in Kosovo.
According to the strategic planning for the improvement of freight and passenger rail transport in Republic of Kosovo, a continuous and intensified development is foreseen in accordance with best practices in the EU. The planned cooperation project shall support the actual need for improvement of technical staff capabilities in different areas, in specific regarding train driving and maintenance of rolling stock and safety management.

As key element of the national infrastructure, the leverage of the train system and services shall stimulate the economic development of the country. The benefits for the Dutch project  partners are obvious as they generate turnover and are offered the possibility to apply their knowledge further abroad, in accordance with EU standard practices. Further investments in the Kosovar railway network are foreseen in the near future which might create more opportunities for Dutch companies. Through this project the Dutch-Kosovar relations will be strengthened which will enlarge potential business opportunities for Dutch companies in the follow up of this project.

Project results
Improved capacity of railway train drivers , of maintenance staff and of railway operations and safety procedures compliant with European standards in order to be prepared for the phase in which transport will increase in pace with the growing imports to and exports from Kosovo.

Pristina, Kosovo

Sapience '00 BV

€ 20.442

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

Activity  1 (Dutch project coordinating company has been identified for project implementation)
As the project will probably consist of separate parcels a coordinating consultant will take care of coordination and planning in this project.

The Dutch project partners support TRAINKOS in the company's development processes. The objective is to improve the skill level of operators working and operating in accordance with best practices as applied in EU countries. Simultaneously, professional development activities of TRAINKOS employees will be developed during a transitional phase that the company is required to follow.

Activity  2 (Training of railway train drivers)
Procedures of licensing and certification of train drivers in accordance with existing EU legislation have been implemented. To fill the need for new train drivers, the possibilities have been assessed and funding sources and training institutions identified.

Activity 3 (Training of maintenance staff during improvement and certification of workshops)
TRAINKOS JSC performs maintenance of its rolling stock within the business activities. Initially, this service is only to be used for the maintenance and basic repair of rolling stock owned by TRAINKOS JSC. A review of the opportunities for investment in capacity expansion for rolling stock maintenance outlines the viability. Such investment in and extension of trained staff are based on the fact that there is a lack of capacity in the region for these activities.

Activity  4 (Training in railways operations and safety)
According to best practices and conditions as established by rail associations active in Europe and beyond (CER, UIC, CIT, OTIF, etc.) in training for new rail operations and safety procedures (SMS, etc.), TRAINKOS needs additional activities such as the preparation of tasks, trainings and participation in workshops

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