Market and sector studies in Kenyan transition economy | | Rijksdienst

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Market and sector studies in Kenyan transition economy

Project purpose

The objective of the studies is twofold:

1) To provide a comprehensive analysis of the above mentioned sectors in Kenya with special attention to opportunities for the Dutch business community in the short, medium and longer term (2015-2025).

2) To provide recommendations for ZMA Nairobi for interventions catalysing Dutch private sector interest in investment in and development of these sectors.

Project results

Sector information on the following elements:

 1) The Current Status of the Sector. This includes the identification of market trends, value chains, the level of technology, relevant stakeholders, government policies and bottlenecks in the business and investment climate.

2) Future Outlook and Appraisal of Sector Investment Potentials. This includes key areas of opportunities for Dutch businesses and prospects for their future business development as well as plans and intentions of Dutch business to engage in the sector (including other countries in the region).

3) This will eventually result in recommendations for ZMA Nairobi interventions as part of their economic diplomacy. Given the pronounced “aid and trade agenda”, which interventions  to catalyse the identified opportunities and strengthen the bilateral relationship at the same time are the most efficient ones.

The recommendations should provide insight into the type of private sector development instruments for trade and investment promotion which should be used and the role to be played by the Dutch government to address investment challenges in the sector and to manage Dutch investment risks.




Co Motion Consult


urban and spatial planning and development sector


€ 62,914

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

A separate but related desk study is being undertaken in-house by ZMA Nairobi focusing on the broad economic situation and trade and investment prospects in Kenya. It comprises the socio economic fundamentals of the Kenyan economy, the investment climate in Kenya, its local governance system and its role in investment promotion. The results of this study will mark the starting point of the in-dept analysis of the consultant.

In addition interviews with stakeholders will be carried out to gain more in-dept knowledge of bottlenecks in the sector. Also current and potential Dutch investors will be interviewed to learn about comparative Dutch and local advantages. An inception report to be approved by ZMA Nairobi in the first stage of the project is part of the assignment.

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