Mirror Group Master Plan Urban Water Management (MPUWM) Sao Paulo | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Mirror Group Master Plan Urban Water Management (MPUWM) Sao Paulo

Project purpose

Set-up of a Master Plan mirror-group to share best practices in the field of urban water management.


Project results

  • The Sao Paulo Master Plan for Urban Water Management is reflected upon in the light of Dutch experiences
  • Best practices and lessons learned are shared in the field of integrated planning processes and innovations
  • A report with conclusions, recommendations and follow up actions is delivered and agreed upon by Dutch and Brazilian partners.



Sao Paulo



City of Rotterdam



Water Management


NL Partners

Water Governance Centre, Deltares, WUR/Alterra and NWP (a.o. Arcadis, DHV)



€ 80,000


Project duration




2 workshops with SP Plan developers and politicians:

  • workshop A: 3 days in SP. Presentation Plan SP, Stakeholders Analyses, reflection Mirror Group, field visit, Presentations Dutch BP’s and Lessons Learned, Zooming in to SP pilots, Discussion, Conclusions. Location: SP
  • workshop B: 2 days half way SP planning process. Presentation Draft Plan SP, reflection Mirror Group, field visit, Discussion, Conclusions. Location: Rotterdam


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