Modernization of regionial road R-435, Nevesinje - Berkovici | | Rijksdienst

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Modernization of regionial road R-435, Nevesinje - Berkovici


The project is defined as the development, modernization and reconstruction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the existing but poorly maintained regional road R-435 between Nevesinje and Berkovići.


Nevesinje - Berkovići




Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Srpska

Competent Authority

Republic of Srpska Roads

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

10,100,000 Euro / 3,367,323 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

The R-435 is a regional road of 32 km between Nevesinje and Berkovici in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina which connects these towns with the rural areas. The R-435 was built at the end of the 19th century. Since then, there has hardly been any change of the alignment or any significant improvement of road elements, so the road is far below modern-day standards. Because of that, the region is currently poorly accessible.

The most important elements of the project are: - The modernization and reconstruction of a section of 19 km near Berkovići, which is currently paved with gravel and bare natural rock. - Maintenance during the winter period - Training in international regulation

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