MPC4AML – a secure collaborative money laundering detection solution | | Rijksdienst

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MPC4AML – a secure collaborative money laundering detection solution

Major banks are facing significant challenges with respect to detecting money laundering. The amounts of money being laundered are potentially huge and difficult to detect by a single bank as criminals often make use of transactions via different banks on a national and international level, and via cryptocurrency exchanges. Due to privacy regulations and data confidentiality banks cannot readily share data, which makes it challenging to collaborate. One approach could be to perform Anti Money Laundering (AML) analyses on a data silo with pseudonymized transaction data of multiple bank. However, such an approach faces challenges on privacy concerns and legislation. Additionally, it is unlikely that many foreign or international banks will join this Dutch initiative on a short term. It would be better to have a decentralized solution for these purposes. The goal of this joint research project is to develop a Proof of Concept Multi-Party Computation (MPC) solution for collaborative monitoring and detection of money laundering and to investigate the transition to include this AML capability in daily operations. MPC consists of innovative cryptographic techniques that offer opportuniti | In dit project kan het bedrag onder Rijksbijdrage ook deels afkomstig zijn van andere subsidieverstrekkers. Hierbij valt te denken aan Europese subsidies zoals EFRO.

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