Multimodal Brain Monitoring System for Neonatal Intensive Care | | Rijksdienst

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Multimodal Brain Monitoring System for Neonatal Intensive Care

The NeuroGuard system will be a novel neuromonitoring device for neonates in intensive care units that for the first time combines electroencephalography (EEG) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Multimodal data integration for joint signal analysis will support monitoring and allow to reinforce or contraindicate single-modality based medical diagnosis. This enables more targeted interventions and will allow more newborns to live a life without physical or mental impairments.

Neonates frequently suffer from neurological disorders and epileptic seizures causing serious brain injuries, lifelong disabilities or even childhood death. Today, brain monitoring of neonates in intensive care units is based on manual EEG data interpretation. Recent medical studies and feedback from clinicians recommend the addition of NIRS as a complementary modality to improve monitoring quality for (contra-) indication in a combined EEG/NIRS monitoring device, and to automate monitoring.

Our target customers are hospitals with neonatal intensive care units. A phased market-entry strategy into key worldwide markets is planned, generating revenue through sold systems, consumables, and services. Eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions has a strong footing in these target markets and can build on a valuable client-base and distributor network. They will assemble and market the final product. Profit will be shared between the SMEs. Austrian institute of Technology’s contribution will be compensated by a license fee per sold unit.

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