Munda munda flood control, drainage and irrigation | | Rijksdienst

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Munda munda flood control, drainage and irrigation


The project therefore aims to upgrade and implement irrigation, drainage and flood control infrastructure covering 3,000 hectares of farmland for 5,000 farmer families in Munda Munda river plain. The project is situated in a rural area where rice has been grown since pre-colonial times.


Monte Nante mozambique




INIR, the National Irrigation Institute in the Ministry of Agriculture of Mozambique.

Competent Authority

Established Project management Unit

Parties Involved

Maatwerk van Montfort.

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

18,563,184 Euro / 8,848,065 Euro

Status project

Implementation Phase

The project aims to improve the incomes and food security of 5,000 (47% female-headed) smallholder rice families in the project area. The project will use the Licungo River as inlet for the irrigation scheme. It is envisaged that a public-private Utility company will manage the O&M phase of the project. It will operate the irrigation scheme, maintain the infrastructure and collect the water levies from the farmers. Its establishment, management, accounting and capacity building are externally sourced, through bidding procedures. It is envisaged that INIR will represent the Government of Mozambique in the Utility and will own 10% of the shares. The other 90% of the shares will be in the hands of the participating famers. The proper management and operation of the infrastructure will allow for the cultivation, harvesting, processing and sales of paddy (unmilled rice) by smallholder farmers to commercial buyers

The most important elements of the project are: - Construction of the water inlet canal and sluice gates; - Construction of Irrigation infrastructure and irrigation control systems; - Construction of drainage canal Drainage infrastructure of main system; - Irrigation infrastructure of secondary system.

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