Project purpose
The overall project purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the agro-logistics chain of Egypt. To improve the Egyptian agro-logistics chain, a training needs assessment will be implemented. The training needs assessment will identify avenues to connect Dutch expertise, techniques and products to the Egyptian sector, thus contributing to the improvement of production for local and foreign markets.
Project results
- Training Needs Assessment
Analysis to determine the functional needs and requirements for training and capacity building in the Egyptian agro-logistics sector by segment (exporters, smallholders and logistics operators).
- Identification of expertise
Based on the training needs assessment the existing expertise and competencies of Dutch academia and private sector will be identified.
- Presentation of the results of the training needs assessment and the results of the round table in the Netherlands in Cairo in November 2015.
Cairo, Egypt
Buck Consultants International
€ 29,856
Project status
Implementation phase
Project activities
Result 1: Requirements analysis
- The work will be done on the basis of interviews with member HEIA and AEC as well as with NGO’s, ICAPP, the Ministries of Agriculture, Transport and Industry focussing on smallholders and logistics operators. 15 interviews will be targeted. The results will be presented in a PowerPoint format.
- A PowerPoint presentation will be prepared.
Result 2: Identification of expertise
- The organisation of a Round Table in the Netherlands with Dutch expertise clusters such as Dinalog, Post Harvest Network, Wageningen University, etc. The Round Table will be organised end October.
- Presentation of the results of the training needs assessment to the sector for feedback and fine tuning during a round table in the Netherlands. Private sector parties from the Netherlands will participate in the feedback sessions. Opportunities for cooperation will be identified.
- Give an overview of Dutch nodes of expertise.
Result 3:
- Preparation of the presentation of the results of the training needs assessment and the results of the round table in the Netherlands in Cairo in November 2015.