Needs assessment Incubator Uganda | | Rijksdienst

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Needs assessment Incubator Uganda

Project purpose

Upon deciding which role the embassy should take to promote CSR in its country, the first step is to have a clear view on the current state of CSR. MVO NL can help to conduct a global scan of the state of CSR in a country or sector, resulting in recommendations for implementing CSR strategies and possible next steps.
The agro-food sector is the target sector for the proposed projects this is the sector with most attention and projects of The Netherlands Embassy.
The scan will enable The Netherlands Embassy to put CSR on the agenda at institutional levels and discuss and advise about realistic ambitions with companies, government and other organisations.

Project results

  • A country scan with recommendations for the agri-food sector and concrete action plans to enhance CSR level in Uganda;
  • MVO NL advice for UCCSRI;
  • A clear view at EKN Kampala on the current state of CSR and a better understanding of the role
    the embassy could take to promote CSR in its country.

Kampala, Uganda

Theodore A. Klouvas D E S I G N & A D V I C E


€ 2.570,04

Project status

Project activities
MVO Nederland will:

  • conduct a country scan;
  • exchange knowledge with UCCSRI;
  • cooperate with Nutip;
  • advise The Netherlands Embassy.

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