Networking WASH projects in Mara region, Tanzania (Nwash) | | Rijksdienst

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Networking WASH projects in Mara region, Tanzania (Nwash)




Mara region


  • Water
  • Water supply
  • Water treatment

Project budget

€ 1,300,000 (FDW contribution = € 604,018)


  • SNV
  • Muwasa: Musoma urban water supply and sewerage authority
  • Regional secretariat-Mara
  • Hatenboer Water BV
  • Dunea NV
  • Stichting BoP Innovation Centre
  • TNO

Project description

The project addresses two problems: the high non functionality of water facilities in rural areas and high fluoride content in some areas. A majority of the village water schemes are working below capacity, and some do not function at all, caused by issues regarding management, tariff structures and technical problems. Community Owned Water Supply Organisations (COWSO) are mandated to deliver water in rural areas, since policy rural water reforms in 2010. The project will establish a mini network operator, called SAWA-DEC (SAfe WAter DElivery CEntre) which will provide central water services to the COWSO’s. In the Mara region fluoride is found in high concentrations, causing health problems. The project will develop a low cost fluoride removal technology in order to deliver safe water. The project is located in the Mara region in North Tanzania. The partnership consists of 7 partners: SNV (NGO) is the lead applicant. Regional secretariat Mara region (government), DUNEA (company), TNO (research), Hatenboer (company), Muwasa (government), BoP innovation centre (NGO).

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