Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health wellbeing and automotive systems | | Rijksdienst

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Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health wellbeing and automotive systems

Smart complex systems have become of great significance particularly in healthcare and autonomous driving domains. The precision and timeliness of the decisions depend on the systems’ capacity to accurately understand individuals and their environment. The EU-funded NextPerception project will advance perception sensing technologies such as radar, LiDAR and time-of-flight cameras, improving and allowing them to better detect human conduct and physiological parameters. The project will develop next-generation smart perception sensors and improve the distributed intelligence model, aiming to establish adaptable, safe, reliable and dynamic human monitoring solutions for the health, well-being and automotive sectors. The new distributed intelligent model will be supported by specific instruments based on the advantages of edge and cloud computing.

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