North Sea Energy 2020-2021 | | Rijksdienst

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North Sea Energy 2020-2021

pThis innovation project contributes to identifying and developing opportunities and innovations within TKI Gas program line Geo Energy. The aim of the North Sea Energy program is to identify and assess opportunities for synergies between low-carbon energy developments offshore. The unique position of the North Sea Energy program is that it takes into account all dominant low-carbon energy developments at the North Sea such as: offshore wind deployment, natural gas developments, carbon capture and storage, energy islands and energy interconnections, hydrogen infrastructure, energy storage and more.|In this (fourth) phase of the program a particular focus will be placed on the identification of North Sea Energy Hubs where system integration projects could be materialized and advanced. This includes system integration technologies strategically connecting infrastructures and services of electricity, hydrogen, natural gas and CO2. A fit-for-purpose strategy plan per hub and short term development plan will be needed to fast-track system integration projects, such as: offshore hydrogen production, platform electrification, CO2 transport and storage and energy storage. | In dit project kan het bedrag onder Rijksbijdrage ook deels afkomstig zijn van andere subsidieverstrekkers. Hierbij valt te denken aan Europese subsidies zoals EFRO./p

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