Palestinian Territories Project for quality improvement of healthcare for mother and child in the West Bank | | Rijksdienst

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Palestinian Territories Project for quality improvement of healthcare for mother and child in the West Bank


The project will upgrade and extend the Pediatric and Obstetric Hospital in Hebron.


Hebron, Palestinian Territories


Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Planning and Administrative Development

Competent Authority

The Palestine Red Crescent Society

Parties Involved

AMPC Health Consultants

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

23,772,000 Euro Euro / 8,405,000 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

In the West Bank there is need for improved and accessible maternal and child healthcare services. A specialised paediatric and obstetric hospital in the city of Hebron, established by the Palestine Red Crescent Society in 2004, is currently under-equipped and not operating at full capacity. Only two of the nine floors are operational.

The project aims to upgrade this hospital. The bed capacity will be increased from the current total of 55 beds to approximately 130 beds. When fully operational the hospital will offer a comprehensive package of medical services including basic and specialized obstetric services and gynaecological care to women. Paediatric specialties such as paediatric surgery, oncology, rehabilitation and endocrinology will be made available.

The objective is to increase the quality and quantity of maternal and child healthcare services in the West Bank and by this to reduce unnecessary long sickness and avoidable deaths for children and mothers in the West Bank.

The project includes the required equipment and maintenance contracts, infrastructure additions and the training of staff to enable the hospital to deliver secondary and tertiary care. More specifically, it consists of:
  • The redesign and renovation if the existing nine floor hospital building;
  • New equipment for the hospital wards, operating theatre, radiology department and laboratory;
  • Possibly the design and construction if a 1000 m2 building in which the rehabilitation center, radiology department, kitchen, laundry and mortuary will be housed;
  • Training of the staff in buttonology and clinical skills;
  • Training of management and maintenance staff;
  • Technical assistance and institutional strengthening.

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