Partnership for Advancing Sustainable Sanitation (PASS) | | Rijksdienst

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Partnership for Advancing Sustainable Sanitation (PASS)

To demonstrate a scalable approach to sustainably improving sanitation, faecal sludge and hygiene services to low income urban inhabitants of Ghana through strengthening the links between the public and the private sectors, and their capacity and financing models by March 2018.

Project number



  • Ghana


  • Greater Accra Region


  • Sanitation and hygiene

Project budget

€ 3,775,916 (GWW contribution = € 2,175,974)


  • Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)


  • Unilever Nederland Holdings BV
  • GA West Municipal Assembly
  • HFC Boafo

Project description

With inputs of a budget of € 3,775,974, project partners’ expertise, data on GWMA sanitation revenue and materials for school WASH facilities, drying beds and project equipment, the project will undertake the following activities:
(i) Make suitable package of microfinance products and compound latrine options available to landlords.
(ii) Promote compound latrine improvements via microfinance to landlords through marketing, tax incentives and regulatory enforcement.
(iii) Provide technical assistance to GWMA to develop a compound sanitation, sanitation market monitoring and regulation strategy.
(iv) Provide technical assistance to GWMA to introduce and promote better revenue collection systems to cover sanitation and hygiene-related costs.
(v) Promote handwashing with soap in schools in urban GA West, GA South, GA Central, Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem and Cape Coast Municipal/Metropolitan Assemblies.
(vi) Construct/rehabilitate WASH facilities in 14 schools in urban Ga West; establish PPP maintenance arrangements using increased Ga West revenue.
(vii) Support SHEP to deliver promotional messages and establish PPP maintenance arrangements.
(viii) Establish call centre to dispatch affiliated private vacuum tankers to residents needing emptying service.
(ix) Construct and establish privately operated sludge drying beds, a system for management and resale of biosolids.

This will produce the following outputs:
(i) Increased landlord demand to take up micro-finance loans and increased capacity of 85 GA West staff to enforce/incentivise toilet provision.
(ii) 1,500 compound toilets constructed with provision for menstrual hygiene.
(iii) Improved revenue collection systems at GA West allocating additional funds raised to sanitation and hygiene.
(iv) 1,600,000 school children exposed to handwashing with soap education messages.
(v) 14 schools with rehabilitated/newly constructed gender sensitive, inclusive WASH facilities.
(vi) Strengthened capacity of SHEP and Ga West staff to deliver promotional messages and contract cleaning of sanitation facilities.
(vii) System for hygienic transport, treatment and disposal of faecal waste established: GA West call centre linking customers to affiliated, private vacuum tankers with drying beds.
(viii) Strengthened capacity of GA West and private operators to sustain FSM service.

In turn, these outputs will lead to the following outcomes:
(a) 45,000 (22,950 women/girls) with access to a new or upgraded toilet, reflecting strengthened supply and demand for compound sanitation in GWMA.
(b) Strengthened capacity of GA West to collect revenue for financing FSM and school sanitation.
(c) 1,600,000 school children (816,000 girls) with improved hygiene knowledge nationally and 7,700 children (3,927 girls) with access to improved and sustainable school WASH facilities in GA West.
(d) 80,000 with improved, sustainable FSM services in GWMA.
The outcomes will contribute to impacts of improved health, increased dignity, reduced poverty, increased empowerment for women/girls, increased self-reliance and economic growth. The project is based on a business case for increasing GWMA revenue collection to cover sanitation and hygiene costs, including school sanitation maintenance, a call centre for FSM services, SHEP delivery and a tax incentive for sanitation provision. The project strengthens the enabling environment by building the capacity of the stakeholders and increasing the linkages between the private and public sectors. The alternative solution of focusing on new technologies is not being pursued as it is not the technology that is the problem but the financing, capacity and business models.

Project duration

4 years

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