Poultry knowledge transfer and business opportunities | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Poultry knowledge transfer and business opportunities

Project purpose

Knowledge transfer from the integrated public and private  Dutch poultry sector contributing to a sustainable poultry sector in Myanmar. This investment will create future business opportunities and trigger investment by the Dutch private sector.

Project results

A first intervention would be a broad knowledge based delegation transferring knowledge through a series of workshops, seminars and matchmaking sessions. A K2K activity, which includes active involvement and contribution of Dutch knowledge institutions ánd leading Dutch international companies in the poultry sector, will open up opportunities for the Dutch poultry cluster to prove their 'added value' through practical oriented training programs.

Simultaneously this K2K program will ensure that Dutch companies through their knowledge contribution will be able to gain a solid insight into the opportunities and threats of the Myanmar poultry sector. Hopefully they will be able to pick up some concrete leads for business development.
Netherlands will be positioned during the mission as a reliable expert partner for the development of a sustainable and competitive poultry sector.This project includes two main deliverables:

  1. Knowledge transfer from Dutch poultry sector to Myanmar through a program including Dutch public and private poultry representatives. In addition matchmaking will be organised.
  2. A business opportunities and bottlenecks report describing on the one hand trade and investment leads and on the other hand sector related bottlenecks that may be overcome by Dutch (public) knowledge.

The business opportunities to be described in the report will be based on a preliminary business opportunities assessment by Larive which are not part of the scope of this project. It is expected that farm equipment and services, healthcare, production and feed ingredients could provide leads for trade and investment.

A description of bottlenecks will include leads for G2G projects (e.g. animal welfare & food safety issues) and K2K projects (curricula development, agricultural colleges and universities).


Yangon, Myanmar






€ 49.900

Project status


Project activities

  1. Planning, coordination and execution of a K2K mission with knowledge transfer workshops, seminars and matchmaking. This also includes sector representatives that are not part of the foodtech Asia consortium.
  2. Delivering a final report including business opportunities and concrete leads for G2G and K2K projects. Other relevant follow-up should be included as well.
  3. As a starting point the to be delivered in December compact assessment on business opportunities in the poultry sector will be used.

Dutch private participants will all contribute to knowledge transfer (e.g. by sharing best practices Indonesia).

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