PPP for increased access to Sustainable Water Services Rwanda | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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PPP for increased access to Sustainable Water Services Rwanda




Kigali capital with outreach to 14 cities and rural areas


  • Water
  • Water supply

Project budget

€ 4,352,972 (FDW contribution = € 2,611,783)


  • Vitens Evides International
  • Aquanet BV
  • Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority
  • Forum des Explotation Privé des Systèmes d'Eau et d'Aqua
  • Unesco IHE

Project description

Scarcity of water treatment systems and insufficient water quality in rural areas are well known problems in Rwanda leading to low labour productivity, impeded economic growth and (worst case) mortality. The project will contribute to rehabilitate existing water infrastructural facilities and improve water supply access both in urban (Kigali) and peri-urban cities (close to Kigali) as well as enable extension of rural water supply systems. Technical Assistance during this project will effectively lead to lower Non Revenue Water (NRW, due to physical loss and non payment) of partner EWSA in the capital city of Kigali, improved Operation and Maintenance capacity at the Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) which in turn can be used for training of water professionals at District Level and the installation of more water kiosks points in rural areas by partner FEPEA. Special attention in the project will be given to improve the capacity of care takers / community villages and contractors in the Operation and Maintenance of rural water infrastructural systems. To sustain the improved NRW and Operation and Maintenance capacity at EWSA and its ability to let FEPEA render services to the Districts in future an internal training centre for technical staff will be established at EWSA.

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