Pre-study visit national audit office Tanzania | | Rijksdienst

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Pre-study visit national audit office Tanzania

Project purpose

Assessing the feasibilities for collaboration with National Audit Office Tanzania (NAOT) on further developing their auditing of extractive industries. The team will explore ways in which a potential collaboration could be arranged, based on the assessed roles, needs and capacities of the NAOT and other relevant actors in the petroleum sector.

Project results

  • To have an understanding of the current capacity building and collaboration initiatives;
  • To have an understanding of the specific needs of NAOT and other stakeholders for improving extractive industries auditing in order to be able to make a decision on the feasibility of a capacity building programme;
  • To have shared information about the role of NCA in the Netherlands (and other SAO in their respective countries);

Information has been  gathered and (if cooperation is deemed feasible)  a detailed plan for a capacity building has been developed. The plan fits needs and current initiatives and is coordinated with the activities of SAI Norway.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Algemene Rekenkamer


€ 20,425

Project status

Project activities

Two representatives of NCA will visit NAOT from 17-19 November and have meetings with relevant stakeholders to assess needs and feasibility of a training programme. The visit will be a joint activity of the SAIs of Norway and the Netherlands.

Based on the information collected NCA can make a recommendation to on the feasibility of a capacity building programme with NAOT. Moreover, a project implementation plan will be developed and discussed with NAOT during and after the mission.

In the same week the budget committee from the Parliament in Tanzania pays a visit to the Netherlands ‘tweede kamer’. Extractives, specifically oil and gas, is a very important subject for the budget committee. They will receive information about the system in the Netherlands, for instance from the Netherlands energy envoy. Within the framework of this project, the delegation will also be invited to the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA).

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