Privacy Preserving Analytics (PPA) | | Rijksdienst

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Privacy Preserving Analytics (PPA)

The project goal is to research what needs to be done to be able to put MPC into practice for statistical analysis in the healthcare domain. The first challenge in putting MPC to use is the matter of governance and control. How can we effectively support the technical governance of distributed MPC computation with the help of blockchain technology such that all parties involved have control over who is doing which computations? The second potential roadblock for the application of MPC technology are the related legal and regulatory questions. Or more specifically: what is required in terms of legal and regulatory privacy-protecting actions and agreements before it is allowed and acceptable to be able apply MPC to sensitive information such as real patient data? However, legal experts are generally only willing to say things about concrete situations and platforms. Therefore, to be able to answer this question we will build a working proof-of-concept platform capable and trusted to handle real, privacy-sensitive patient data and apply it to a concrete use-case: decentrally monitoring the effectiveness of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) eHealth coaching app by Zuyderland, using C | In dit project kan het bedrag onder Rijksbijdrage ook deels afkomstig zijn van andere subsidieverstrekkers. Hierbij valt te denken aan Europese subsidies zoals EFRO.

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