Promoting the integrated pest management, food safety & organic farming in Jordan. | | Rijksdienst

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Promoting the integrated pest management, food safety & organic farming in Jordan.

Project purpose

The Ombudsman Bureau of Jordan is strengthened in position, structure and operation in order to be able to perform its tasks in an optimal way. The institution of the Ombudsman Bureau is established with the aim to give citizens an opportunity to place complaints about the practices of the public administration before an independent and expert body. This project provides the Ombudsman of Jordan assistance in his effort to develop in the different fields of his legal task.

Project results

  1. Strengthened cooperation between the Ombudsman of Jordan and relevant public administrations;
  2. Operational capacity of the staff of the Ombudsman of Jordan is strengthened;
  3. Supporting communications department of the Ombudsman of Jordan in their effort to raise awareness.


Amman, Jordan


National Ombudsman of the Netherlands




€ 80,000

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

Types of project activities and methodologies:

  • Informal meetings in Jordan on the subjects noted in the project;
  • Brain storm sessions;
  • Drafting of documents detailing the implementation of change processes;
  • Study visit to The Netherlands.

During the meetings and the study visit the focus will be on:

1. Inventory of requirements (inception phase)

2. Work process:

  • Complaint handling
  • Flow and structure complaint handling

3. Communication and awareness raising


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