The Public-Private Partnership for Water in Ghana | | Rijksdienst

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The Public-Private Partnership for Water in Ghana

This project aims to demonstrate a model for PPP engagement that can be replicated across Ghana based on the viability of a market-based model for community water supply by implementing it at credible scale and improving the sector's understanding of market-based approaches.

Project number



  • Ghana


  • Eastern Region
  • Volta Region


  • Access to and use of safe drinking water (including hygiene)

Project budget

€ 3,995,361 (GWW contribution = € 2,796,753)


  • Safe Water Network


  • Mannen van Staal
  • Kingdom Water Systems & Services
  • District Assemblies (Upper Manya Krobo DA, Kwahu Afram Plains South DA, Fanteakwa DA, North Tongu DA, Bioakoye DA, and North Dayi DA

Project description

Limited attention to operational and financial management, lack of consistent service support, and low water quality have been the main challenges to long-term sustainability of small scale water systems.
In Ghana, 27-38% of rural water systems have either completely failed or are only partially functional. This resulted in 6 million Ghanaians in rural communities and small towns lacking access to safe water, and suffering from debilitating diarrheal diseases leading to persistent illness and death, particularly among children and infants.
The PPPWG project applies a market-based approach to water supply. Water treatment stations are installed in rural communities and small towns, producing water compliant with relevant national standards. This water will be sold to customers. The revenues will be used to cover operating and maintenance costs. Long term technical sustainability will be ensured through the Field Services Entity, a newly created regional support structure.

Project duration

3 years

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