ReDiscover Mozambique | | Rijksdienst

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ReDiscover Mozambique


Project purpose
To establish the First of a kind in Eastern/Southern Africa certified Regional Offshore Trainings Centre (ROTC) to training 1500-2000 people annually in 3 to 4 relevant basic courses.

Project results
Annually, 1500-2000 people will be trained in 3 to 4 relevant basic courses.

Maputo, Mozambique

Agri Profocus


€ 10,854

Project status

Project activities
Three (3) OPITO training courses are a must for everybody working offshore. These courses are:

  • BOSIET Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training – Minimum requirement to work offshore including additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the HUET module.
  • HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training - Skills and theory required to improve an individual’s chance of surviving a helicopter ditching in water.
  • FOET Further Offshore Emergency Training - This course is only applicable to participants who have a current BOSIET card that is within four years of expiring. This course is designed to assist in maintaining participant’s skills that are required to respond effectively to offshore incidents.

All course participants will receive internationally accepted certificates.

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