Reducing Food Wastage in India | | Rijksdienst

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Reducing Food Wastage in India

Goal of the project

This project has the following goals:
  • 10,000 small farmers are capacitated to sustainably increase their income
  • A fully operational production, including supply and cold chain infrastructure, which reduces the food wastage with at least 30%
  • The project is able to upscale in India.

Project number



  • India


  • Tamil Nadu
  • Karnataka


  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Food Waste reduction

Project budget

€ 5,568,578 (FDOV contribution = € 2,672,920)


  • Broekman Logistics India Pvt. Ltd
  • Rijk Zwaan Export BV
  • Future Consumer Enterprise Ltd
  • TNO

Project description

India is the world’s largest producer of fruits and vegetables. However, from what has been produced 40% doesn’t even reach the consumer due to food wastage throughout the whole supply chain, representing an economical value of € 1.8 billion. On the other hand India’s overall food consumption is expected to rise by 4% per year. Tamil Nadu, the state where the project will be implemented, is India’s fourth major horticulture producing state.
This project aims to reduce food wastage by creating an integrated supply chain, including cold chain infrastructure. The partners will work together to set up 20 polyhouses, a track and trace system and warehouses. Simultaneously, the consortium will train and capacitate local small-scale farmers, to enable them to grow their business, leading to sustainable increase of income and ultimately inclusive economic growth.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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