The rehabilitation of the health system in Kirondo province | | Rijksdienst

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The rehabilitation of the health system in Kirondo province


The project is defined as the development, construction, equipping and subsequent use and maintenance of two district hospitals in the districts of Vumbi and Busoni, in the province of Kirundo in the state Burundi.


Vumbi and Busoni


Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Health and Fight against HIV/AIDS of Burundi (MSPLS)

Competent Authority

Ministry of Health and Fight against HIV/AIDS of Burundi (MSPLS)

Parties Involved

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

12,500,000 Euro / 10,140,170 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

In the province of Kirundo, one of the poorest provinces in Burundi, two district hospitals will be build when the project successfully pass the development phase. The objective of this project is to strengthen the health system in Kirundo further, to complete the referral system of the province of Kirundo and to address main health needs of the population and reduce morbidity and mortality rates. These objectives will be achieved through the building, equipping, operation and maintenance of the two district hospitals in the district Vumbi and Busoni thereby making both health districts fully operational and in line with the National Development plans and norms and the Millenium development Goals.

The hospitals will provide basic services (as delivered by the health centres) and specialised. All complicated cases will be referred to the regional hospital, closing the referral circle. Specific attention will be given to the services of mother and child care, malnutrition and health promotion (preventative care), which together support MDG 4, 5 and 6.

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