Rehabilitation of Kilimanjaro International Airport | | Rijksdienst

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Rehabilitation of Kilimanjaro International Airport


The project is defined as the refurbishment and extension of Kilimanjaro International Airport (aprons, taxiways, terminal building).


Northern Tanzania




Ministry of Infrastructure Development

Competent Authority

Kilimanjaro Airports Development Company (KADCO)

Parties Involved

Royal haskoning DHV, MDF, Schiphol

Project number


Total project costs / Total ORIO Grant amount

35,500,000 Euro / 13,299,276 Euro

Status project

Implementation Phase

The proposed transaction includes amongst others the realisation of the following activities: - Extension of the existing parallel taxiway; - Expansion and rehabilitation of the apron; - Rehabilitation of the runway; - Terminal rehabilitation; - Training for KADCO staff on institutionalisation of maintenance and environmental management


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