Reinforcement of the Healthcare System | | Rijksdienst

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Reinforcement of the Healthcare System


The project's objective is to strengthen the Malawi health system.




Life Sciences & Health


Ministry of Finance

Competent Authority

Ministry of Health

Parties Involved

Associated Medical Project Consultants (AMPC) and MANGO Consult

Project number


Total project cost / Total ORIO Grant amount

19,350,916 Euro / 9,917,958 Euro

Status project

Development Phase

In Malawi there are 26 governmental district hospitals equally spread over the country. Some of them are able to deliver the necessary care, however 16 of these hospitals are unable to deliver adequate basic obstetrical, neonatal and paediatric care on all levels of care including and not limited to basic operation facilities and preceding diagnostic services.

In Malawi there are 26 governmental district hospitals equally spread over the country. Some of them are able to deliver the necessary care, however 16 of these hospitals are unable to deliver adequate basic obstetrical, neonatal and pediatric care on all levels of care including and not limited to basic operation facilities and preceding diagnostic services.

The project consists of 64 subprojects: 40 village health centers (first level facilities), 16 district hospitals (second level, referral facilities) and 8 TB screening units. The facilities are situated in the poorest areas of Malawi. The general output includes:
  • Rehabilitation of selected hospital departments;
  • Installation of health equipment for the 16 selected hospitals and 40 referral health facilities;
  • Installation of 8 mobile TB screening units for deprived populations and risk groups;
  • Execution of a countrywide awareness programme focusing on the accessibility of the projects maternal and TB screening facilities;
  • A five-year preventive and corrective maintenance program including a spare part supply system;
  • On the job and central training for hospital staff on medical, technical, environmental and management issues.

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