Reverse logistics and recycling in solid Waste Management | | Rijksdienst

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Reverse logistics and recycling in solid Waste Management

Project purpose

Capacity building of State authorities, Association of Industry and Association of waste management companies in dealing with the new principles of waste management (reverse logistics) and introducing new recycling technology in Brazil.


Project results

The expected results comprise:

  1. Documents in which Industry and SP Government agree about a joint approach for the different waste sectors. A prerequisite for this is that representatives of government and industries come up with joint solutions
  2. Good practices are exchanged with regard to waste management methods and techniques, presenting Dutch experiences from both the private and the public sector, approaches (governance and) technological solutions to a broad audience of public and private Brazilian stakeholders
  3. Good practices are exchanged with regard to methods and approaches for raising public awareness, based on Dutch experience (private & public sector).
  4. Possibilities investigated for cooperation of Dutch and Brazilian Universities



Sao Paulo



Netherlands Enterprise Agency



Waste Management



€ 125,000


Status project

1 YearCurrently in execution


Project activities

  • Workshops with Brazilian authorities and private companies in order to come to the development of joint approaches and documents.
  • Facilitating Dutch (public and private) expert input in a seminar on reverse logistics and modern recycling technologies, that will be organised by FIESP in March/ April 2012
  • Introducing Dutch recycling companies in the State of Sao Paulo
  • Establishing contacts between Dutch Universities and Sao Paulo Universities on recycling technologies



A more detailed list of activities to be determined after the fact finding mission.

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